Our Vision
All Mat-Su children are safe, healthy, and thriving.
Our Goals
- Strengthen families so all children are safe, healthy, and thriving.
- End child abuse and neglect, and reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences.
How We Work
We utilize the Collective Impact Framework to guide our work of changing the systems that impact children and families in the Mat-Su Borough. The framework calls for multiple organizations or entities from different sectors to champion a common agenda, shared measurement, alignment of effort, and continuous communication. Mat-Su Health Foundation serves as the backbone organization by providing dedicated staff and infrastructure to support the work of the collective.
Who We Are
We are a cross-sector collaborative of organizations, individuals, funders, and state agencies that support healthy, resilient families in Mat-Su. The Steering Committee guides the priorities and strategic work of the collective, with input from the Youth Leadership Council. The collective is also supported by the backbone organization, Mat-Su Health Foundation, and staff dedicated solely to moving forward the work of R.O.C.K. Mat-Su.