R.O.C.K. Mat-Su offers a host of free learning opportunities open to the community. We are also able to provide trainings for groups and organizations. Below you will find the list of trainings offered and if there is an upcoming community training scheduled.
Download and share the R.O.C.K. Mat-Su Learning Opportunities flyer .
Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences

PACES & Raising Resilience
Thu, Jan 16, 2025
Times: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: Zoom & Matsu Health Foundation
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience
Frequent or prolonged exposure to stress can create toxic stress which can damage the developing brain of a child and overall health. A Survival Mode Response to toxic stress increases a child’s heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscle tension. Their thinking brain is knocked offline. Self-protection is their priority. In other words: “I can’t hear you! I can’t respond to you! I am just trying to be safe!” Learn How Resilience Trumps ACEs! Parents, Teachers and Caregivers can help by:
Gaining an understanding of ACEs and how they affect children’s social, emotional, and cognitive abilities and their connection a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan.
Creating environments where children feel safe emotionally & physically.
Helping children identify feelings & manage emotions
Creating a safe physical & emotional environment at home, in school, and in neighborhoods.
Share ways to build resilience.
Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience
Presentation Content Contact:
Michelle Boyden
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences
Acknowledgement of Learning: Download Form
Complete this form to show your learning. Some agencies may accept this form for requesting credit toward learning requirements for case plans or agency learning plans.
The form includes a list of online resources you can use to learn more AND answer the questions if you are unable to attend a training.
Additional Learning Resources

Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience
Frequent or prolonged exposure to stress can create toxic stress which can damage the developing brain of a child and overall health. A Survival Mode Response to toxic stress increases a child’s heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscle tension. Their thinking brain is knocked offline. Self-protection is their priority. In other words: “I can’t hear you! I can’t respond to you! I am just trying to be safe!” Learn How Resilience Trumps ACEs! Parents, Teachers and Caregivers can help by:
Gaining an understanding of ACEs and how they affect children’s social, emotional, and cognitive abilities and their connection a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan.
Creating environments where children feel safe emotionally & physically.
Helping children identify feelings & manage emotions
Creating a safe physical & emotional environment at home, in school, and in neighborhoods.
Share ways to build resilience.
Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience
Presentation Content Contact:
Michelle Boyden
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences
Acknowledgement of Learning: Download Form
Complete this form to show your learning. Some agencies may accept this form for requesting credit toward learning requirements for case plans or agency learning plans.
The form includes a list of online resources you can use to learn more AND answer the questions if you are unable to attend a training.
Additional Learning Resources

Raising Resilience
Join us for a presentation on raising resilient youth!
This will include information from a 2019 Johns Hopkins study on the effects of positive childhood experiences. Despite growing up with adversity, positive experiences buffer the trauma and promote healing.
Learn ways to foster healthy growth and development in children that correlates to stronger adult mental health and overall wellness.
Presentation Content Contact:
Michelle Boyden
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences
Acknowledgement of Learning: Download Form
Complete this form to show your learning. Some agencies may accept this form for requesting credit toward learning requirements for case plans or agency learning plans.
The form includes a list of online resources you can use to learn more AND answer the questions if you are unable to attend a training.
Additional Learning Resources
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Stewards of Children
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Stewards of Children
Stewards of Children® is a prevention training that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for organizations that serve youth and for individuals concerned about the safety of children. It is the only nationally distributed, evidence-informed program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Stewards of Children.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here

Facilitator Training
* Full scholarships are available for people living and working in the Mat-Su Borough. Contact toverby@rockmatsu.org to receive a scholarship code before beginning your registration.
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Facilitator Training
A Darkness to Light Authorized Facilitator is an individual who has been trained by Darkness to Light to deliver the Stewards of Children® training program to adults in their organization or community.
Facilitators model the core principals of Stewards of Children® in their community by talking openly about child sexual abuse and engaging adults in discussion.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Facilitator Training.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews

Talking to Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Talking to Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse
Talking about personal safety and sex creates a protective bond between parent and child, increased confidence for both, and instills knowledge that makes children and teens much less vulnerable. Building on the education provided in Stewards of Children®, Darkness to Light’s evidence-informed training on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse, you will learn how to talk with and listen to children about sexual abuse and personal safety.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here

Protecting Children During a Crisis
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Protecting Children During a Crisis
We often develop strategies that help to prevent child sexual abuse under our existing circumstances. But what happens if those circumstances change? This training will help you navigate through the unusual circumstances you might face during times of crisis. This training will help you consider your current strategies, help you identify the new situation, and help you change your strategy.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Protecting Children During A Crisis.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here

Healthy Touch for Children & Youth
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Healthy Touch for Children & Youth
Healthy affection and touch is protective from child sexual abuse especially with parents, caregivers, and family members. Building on the education provided in Stewards of Children®, Darkness to Light’s evidence-based training on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse, this training teaches you some guidelines for healthy touch and safe, respectful ways to interact with children.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Healthy Touch for Children & Youth.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here

Protecting Children from Sex Trafficking
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Protecting Children from Sex Trafficking
Sexual trafficking, also known as the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), is any sexual activity involving a child for which something of value is given or promised. Building on the education provided in Stewards of Children®, Darkness to Light’s evidence-based training on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse, this training teaches you about the root cause of commercial sexual exploitation and why preventing sexual abuse is important to reducing the risk of children being sexually exploited.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Protecting Children from Sex Trafficking.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here

Bystanders Protecting Children from Boundary Violations and Sexual Abuse
If you would like to host a training that is open to the community or for a group / organization please contact us.
Bystanders Protecting Children from Boundary Violations and Sexual Abuse
What is Active Bystanding? A “bystander” is a person who witnesses a boundary violation or sees a situation in which to protect children. An Active Bystander is someone who does something about it. Bystanders can play a major role in keeping kids safe by acting when they see a child who needs help. Intervening or taking preventative measures as a bystander can mean the difference between a child being sexually abused or being protected from abuse.
Go beyond theoretical knowledge and learn practical skills for protecting children. In this training you will learn how to be an active bystander in child sexual abuse prevention and response. You will receive examples of boundary violations and inappropriate behaviors, and how you can make spontaneous and planned interventions that reinforce boundaries and protect children. This training builds on the education provided in Stewards of Children®, Darkness to Light’s evidence-based training on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. It is highly recommended that participants complete Stewards of Children® prior to taking the course.
Learn more at Darkness to Light | Bystanders Protecting Children from Boundary Violations and Sexual Abuse.
Presentation Content Contact:
Telsche Overby
Event Details Contact:
Colleen Andrews
Darkness to Light offers online learning modules for all of their workshops. You can access these for free by using the COUPON CODE: TALK2020
Registration Directions for Online Learning: Click Here
Racial Equity

Braided Stories
Building Equitable Communities for Alaska’s Children & Families
Location: Mat-Su Health Foundation
Click to register with Alaska Humanities Forum
Braided Stories
Building Equitable Communities for Alaska’s Children & Families
R.O.C.K. Mat-Su partners created Braided Stories for adult audiences because understanding and addressing historical and intergenerational trauma is critical to achieving the vision of reducing child abuse and increasing family resilience in the Mat-Su.
The partnership sculpted the curriculum to specifically explore the histories, disparities, and strength of racial and ethnic groups in the Mat-Su. Evoking the braided rivers of the Mat-Su, participants intertwine their own stories with local history and voices in order to deepen understanding of the people, place, and lifestyles of the Mat-Su.
Through facilitated dialogue and personal reflection, the workshop creates a safe space to examine awareness of one’s personal identity, to explore the dynamics of power, and to consider possibilities for a healthier future for Mat-Su’s children.
Learn more at braidedstories.com