
Strengthen Families

We collectively work to strengthen families so all children are safe, healthy, and thriving. We embrace a strengths-based approach in guiding families to build meaningful, supportive connections within their own homes and their community network.

End Child Abuse and Neglect

We collectively work to end child abuse and neglect, and reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences. Our cross-sector partnership collaborates to create structural change effecting all levels of prevention and to provide community education to increase awareness and understanding.

Our Strategies

Adverse Childhood Experiences Facilitators

We work towards building community knowledge of the lifelong impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by offering community education focused on the ACEs study, brain science, and resiliency. Several trainers are available throughout the Mat-Su Borough and free trainings can be scheduled for large or small groups by contacting the R.O.C.K. Mat-Su staff. This is a primary prevention strategy.

Attend or schedule a training in the Mat-Su